The archaeological monument “Botay settlement” was taken under the state protection by the Decree of the Government of the RK №279 dated March 21,2008. RGKP ”The state historical and cultural museum-reserve “Botay” of the Ministry of culture and sport of RK was created by the Decree of the Government of RK №150 dated March 30,2018. The state registration passed on August 13, 2018. Director of the museum-reserve is Shakshakov Kuanysh Gibadatovich.
The main task of RGKP “The state historical and cultural museum-reserve “Botay” is the implementation of research, collecting, exposition and exhibition, cultural and educational activities in order to popularize this archaeological monument.
The archaeological Botay monument was discovered in 1980 by the head of the North Kazakhstan archaeological expedition V.F.Saibert and for 40 years the investigations are spending under his direction.
“The Botay settlement” monument is situated in 1,5km. to the south-east to Nikolskoe village, Ayyrtau district, North Kazakhstan region, in 400km.northwest of the capital of RK Nur-Sultan, in 300km from Petropavlovsk.
Botay culture is widely known in the world archaeological culture. The Botay settlement is homeland of our ancestors, who first tamed a horse 6 thousand years ago. More than 15thousand sq.m. have been uncovered at the monument, 158 dwellings researched, more than 200thousand artifacts and tens of thousands bones of ancient animals were carried out.